A beautiful day today! 24 degrees, crystal clear, no wind. The Logging Road Cyclist decided to ride up McCulloch Peak in the snow! He’d tried this a few times in the past, but always gotten skunked by too much snow and had quit and slunk home, beaten. Today was different in that there wasn’t all that much snow, and what there was was bone dry. El Mariachi was the tool of choice for this (the old girl is getting out a lot these days, what with the dry trails and night riding with Professor H., Ph.D, MMQ). It’s doubtful that the DeSalvo could have made it, if only because of the low-profile fenders jamming up with snow.
Off he went, soon remembering how much more work it is to ride in snow as opposed to finely-graded gravel. Ugh. Nevertheless, TLRC determined to ride the whole thing and walk not a bit of it, although minor rests after slippages were certainly allowed. He went the longer way, up the 770.
Snow depth varied from an inch or so under the trees to 6″-8″ out in the open. Dropping down to the main road, TLRC climbed up the wall and then took the low-gradient way up to the top.
Here TLRC bundled up for the ride home and set a spell admiring the view and enjoying the brisk air. Heavy Amphib tights, four (4!) layers of increasingly thick capilene, shell over all, balaclava, heavy gloves under waterproof lobster mits. Thick Wigwam socks and full neoprene overboots. TLRC had jammed everything he could into his pack. By the time he got to TLRCFE, TLRC was frozen through. Upon entering the warm Estate, the TLRC fingers felt as if someone had slammed them in a door. Holding his excruciatingly painful fingers over the wood stove, TLRC once again pondered the nature of outdoor fun.
“the TLRC fingers felt as if someone had slammed them in a door. Holding his excruciatingly painful fingers over the wood stove, TLRC once again pondered the nature of outdoor fun.” — ahh , for the millionth time,
those frozen feelings, and that same pondering.